Embracing Alternative Education During a Pandemic By Lehla Eldridge Everything has shifted, nothing is as it was, the world is changing then surely so should we. Having the whole family at home is a normal situation for me, as we have been unschooling (I will get to that bit later) for nine years. Only in the last year have our older children decided to go to college and THEY LOVE IT and are now going on to do A Levels. We have had a lot of experience of them being

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That is a question I ask myself a lot. Right now I am sitting the kitchen, I have a bowl of muesli to my left which my son made for me and my daughter is showing me the fact that our cat has dyed his three paws green. I say three as he is missing a leg. I say to myself, ‘when I have free time I will finish that book, when I have a clear moment, I will get on with those illustrations.’ But in truth I don’t have

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