As I lie here in bed with my laptop on my knees, my 17 year old daughter to my right snoozing, she is feeling unwell, it’s nearly 10am and yes I am still in bed. I feel inclined to pretend I am up, awake, having done a run and meditation, had breakfast, got dressed but none of that would be true. I am here in my jammies and the thought of walking down the corridor to the bathroom and doing my teeth right now seems a bit of an epic.

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How we show up is so important for our children and we are shaping who they are to become.  I was struck by this thought the other day. I am raising children that will most likely go on to have children and I am modelling for them how to be as a parent. We as parents have a choice as to how we show up and we can change script for future generations. If you stop and think about it that is an amazing thought! I was brought up in

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Embracing Alternative Education During a Pandemic By Lehla Eldridge Everything has shifted, nothing is as it was, the world is changing then surely so should we. Having the whole family at home is a normal situation for me, as we have been unschooling (I will get to that bit later) for nine years. Only in the last year have our older children decided to go to college and THEY LOVE IT and are now going on to do A Levels. We have had a lot of experience of them being

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If you are totally overwhelmed with homeschooling or unschooling and what is going on in the news right now, connect up with others. I hear this a lot from parents who are isolated and who are not in connection with other people. I think community is so very important, even if you are physically a long way from any one else. Use the phone, the internet, Skype. Don’t tough it out and isolate yourself, connect up with others and make time to chat. Even if it is for twenty minutes.

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This applies to everybody. If I am not nice to myself as a mother I am not really nice to anyone else around me. So this means listening to what I need to do for myself. So this can  be anything as simple as making time to jump into a candlelit bath at night, to going for a walk at some point in the day to taking time to meet a friend (this we can’t do right now but the time will come when we can!) or cooking something really

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Sometimes, having one or both parents at home means that your finances can run extremely low, I am particularly feeling this today! Especially if you have lost your work due to the coronavirus. Resources can totally deplete and this can be stressful. Make use of what you have, this sounds simple but it is true I think that the less I have in life the more I make use of what I do have. You don’t have to spend a fortune to feel good, so even if it means buying

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I am not good at running, I often think, why I am running? Nothing is chasing me, is it? The truth is when I go running I don’t massively enjoy it, I know people that do but it has never clicked with me. I think if I was hunter gatherer type I might be the one that gets eaten by the lion…So the trick I have found is to do exercise that I actually like. I LOVE dancing and swimming. So at the moment I am dancing a lot and also

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I was meant to post yesterday, as I committed to doing this for a week but I didn’t as it was my birthday! So anyway here is this  little post about self care, a day late but hey, here is day five! Eat well and drink lots of water. In my moments of feeling isolated or stressed when I was in Italy I found myself with my head in the cupboard or fridge eating a lot of chocolate and crisps, especially around 4pm. I felt bloated and had low energy.

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Fear and I have been really good mates, the fearful lady has lived rent free in my head for a long time, in fact the fearful lady over the years has entertained my inner gremlins and had a party in my head almost way back since I can remember. I am not sure when she first joined me, maybe I was a teenager, or maybe it was the day my parents’ marriage fell apart when I was a kid. Or maybe not, it could have been school…who knows, or even

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